Friday Favorite: Stadium Seating for your Papers

If you're in chaos and need to start a filing system from scratch, here's a great option. The Stadium File Organizer from Smead is a nice, compact system that you can sit right out on your desk, dining room table or kitchen counter if you must :-/ and the stadium seating allows you to view files easily. There's also a sheet of pre-made labels that come with it including: A-Z, Jan-Dec, 1-31 and various household subjects like "banking" and "receipts". 

We often work with clients who are overwhelmed by their stuff and don't know where to begin, this handy organizer will allow you to get your files into categories and still keep them handy at your fingertips--for all you visual, must-have-it-reach filers.  You can fit  more than 900 sheets in the file, so if your a paper hoarder, you can have a little fun here. If you've moved beyond the basics with filing, this organizer is also great to use if you need to file something monthly or numerically. You can keep track of expenses by keeping all receipts in monthly files, or use it as a tickler file with the 1-31 pockets. There's many ways to use this clever organizer, just make sure—as with any filing system—that you give it a regular once-over to keep it useful and current.


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