Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring is here and it's time to let the sun shine in after a long winter. Open blinds, windows and doors to freshen up your home with spring air–it will energize you to start spring cleaning. Here are five quick tips to movtivate you:

  • Clean one room at a time. Doing odds and ends in every room will leave you frustrated and feeling unaccomplished. Start in one room and finish it–even if you have the urge to move around.
  • Clean out your refrigerator. Have a "Mustgo Night" where everything in the fridge must go. Wipe down the shelves, and don't forget to vacuum the vents to keep your refrigerator running efficiently.
  • Weed out your closets making decisions about each and every item. This should be done every spring and fall. Read more about our closet clean-out here.
  • Lighten the load and divvy out chores to the entire family. Make the project fun by setting goals and giving rewards.
  • Don't bite off more than you can chew. When you're motivated, don't pull everything out of the closet or cabinets and then lose your steam. Instead, work one section or shelf at a time weeding out, containerizing, and wiping down.

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