It's "National Organize Your Files" Week!

Today is the official tax deadline day. It's also "National Organize your Files Week", isn't that a coincidence? What a great time to finally put all of your 2010 documents in their almost final resting place, or at least their resting place for the next 4-7 years. Clear out your file drawer of any 2010 documentation, and make room for 2011 (if you haven't done so already—better late than never). I use my DYMO labeler to create neat and clean looking files super quick and easy. Also inspect your file folders, if any are starting to get worn, it's a good time to swap them out for new ones. If you aren't sure how long to keep certain documents, check out Chaos To Order's Record Retention Schedule. Here you will find general guidelines on how long to keep most papers. The small amount of attention you pay to your filing system from time to time will reap big rewards in your office productivity in the long run.  Happy National Organize your Files Week, now get busy!

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Dymo and  Chaos To Order was compensated accordingly.


Today is Earth Day, so what can YOU do?


Friday Favorite: Very Viewable File Labels