Friday Favorite: The Put It Back Gadget

This is surely the ultimate Friday Favorite organizing gadget. We've been hoping that something would be invented that could finally get and keep you  organized—and here it is! This terrific tool can do everything from getting your closet in proper order, to organizing bookshelves and spices alphabetically, even papers and files, not a problem— it's truly amazing! Now you never have to worry about getting things put back into their proper place because the Put It Back Gadget knows exactly where everything belongs, it's like having a professional organizer move right into your home. Simply affix the little scanning stickers on your items and scan them with your smart phone. Then, put the item in it's proper place. With GPS technology, the Put It Back Gadget will know where it needs to return when it's not in use. After you use something, the Put It Back Gadget grabs it and gets it there. So if you want to finally be organized for good, it's time to purchase the Put It Back Gadget—Gotcha— April Fools!


Friday Favorite: File Tote


Friday Favorite: Cell Phone Holder/Charging Station