My Dirty Little Secret Drawer

Dirty Little Secret DrawerThe key to being and staying organized is having good systems that works for you, not against you. Chaos ensues like crazy in my very busy household, but one of my favorite vices is my secret drawer. I have a 5" deep drawer at my desk where I hide current papers, mail I haven't yet opened and other papers I haven't yet dealt with. As a business owner, wife, mother of three and community volunteer, paperwork abounds in the office, especially if I'm not there to deal with it daily.Here's how it works...When the mail comes and I'm on my way out, it goes in the drawer. When I have to run out of the office and have papers strewn about the desk, I quickly file what I can, but what's left goes into the drawer. When I come back, I know exactly where those papers I was working on are, they're not on top of the desk, they're in the drawer! This drawer is not a place where papers continue to pile up, it is only for the current stuff I'm working on. It's my clutter also known as postponed decisions. When I have a few extra minutes, I always go to the drawer and clear out what I can. The secret is that the drawer is not too deep so papers can't pile up. If used properly, having a dirty little secret drawer is a great way for your desk to be clear in the midst of the chaos of life!


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