How Do You Make Organizing A Lifelong Habit?

Being organized is all about having the habits in place to maintain order. Being disorganized is all about having habits in place that inhibit maintaining order. As you go about your day, stop yourself and ask, "Am I finishing tasks that I begin?" I happen to be easily distracted and have to work hard to complete tasks. My husband is a task master, when he starts a project, nothing can stop him until it's complete and every piece is properly put away. I, on the other hand, get distracted at a moments notice. I can fly from one thing to another without a second thought. I have to work to remind myself that I'll be so much better off if I take the time to put everything away when I finish. I've used this quote with my children since they were very small, it's a constant reminder to me and to them, "finish one project before you start another".

If you want to create habits to help yourself become more organized, read my blog post, "How To Create A Habit". Living organized is all about having the habits in place and the discipline to maintain them--much easier said than done!


Declare Independence From Your Clutter!


How Do You Encourage Someone Who Needs To Get Organized But Doesn't Want To?