Techie Travel Tips

Many airlines now offer a paperless boarding pass via your mobile device. The technology is very new, but the future looks green for this new paperless option. Check out this example from American Airlines
Flight Update [App Store link] Name your trip, then and then add your flights and flight numbers. Watch as it autofills all of the information you need. You'll get airtime, departing and arriving airport, terminal, distance, scheduled meals and so much more. It even identifies the type of plane and offers a color-coded seating chart. You can search for alternate flights should a problem arise, and it consistently beats the airport at dispensing timely information on delays and gate changes.
GateMaps [App Store link] This program gives you the map to find your way through unfamiliar airports and is particularly helpful for harried travelers trying to rush to make connections.
Trips [App Store Link] There are so many things to remember when you travel. Sometimes my brain gets overloaded with all of the details. With this application you can keep track of all flights and connections. You can also add your hotel, car rental information, meetings, appointments, contacts, etc.
Finally, once you arrive at your destination, check out Around Me [App Store Link] to see what activities and attractions are available in the neighborhood.
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