Closet Clean Out

Last week was spring break for my children, and unfortunately my oldest son Eric had to have his tonsils removed, so it was not the most exciting week for anyone in the Friel household. However, staying home actually had some great benefits in the spring cleaning department. We went through each of the kid's closets determining what clothes fit, what they've outgrown, and what they need for the coming season. I urge everyone to do this at least twice each year. Especially now when budgets are tight, we easily forget about some of the items we have and default to shopping before going through the entire closet. My kids tend to wear the same outfits and grab what's right in front of their eyes, ignoring what's hanging further to the back. My middle son Brett found a great sweatshirt that had been in his closet all winter, he had forgotten all about it! Spend thirty minutes to one hour (it shouldn't take longer if you do it regularly) in each closet, look at every item and decide if it should stay or go. If if it goes, have some trash bags handy and remove clothes immediately. Bonus: You can even earn a few dollars selling your things at a local consignment shop or get a tax deduction.


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